The software you need is:
Then to get voice activated shutter release:
- Install both.
- Turn on the Language Bar (in control panel, regional and language, languages, details, language bar)
- (Optional) Train Microsoft Voice recognition (in control panel, speech)
- Turn on the microphone (click the mic icon in the language bar)
- Run Camera Control 2.1
- Say “Voice command”
- (optional) Say “What can I say” then scroll down to the bottom of the list where it says “Menus and Buttons” and expand that list, ensure that “Shutter release” is one of the listed commands
- Say “Shutter Release”
And yes, of course this thought is inspired by ShutterVoice, the Canon EOS front end that provides much better control via voice — with voice feedback even!
I wondered if I could do something like that myself — but when I checked I realized that basically everything I wanted was already either built in or a free microsoft download. I’ll have a think about if I can adjust the UI of my script so more features can be voice controlled, but for now shutter release is fun.
All together now, say “Shutter release”.
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